Our Goldilocks Espresso Martini
An espresso martini and that view makes a pretty wonderful Friday, just one though
An espresso martini is a dangerously delicious drink. The first time Mark and I tried them at Opera Bar on the Sydney Harbour, we liked them so much they became our drink of choice for the evening. While, at the time, it wasn’t unusual for us to have half a dozen drinks over an evening, it was unheard of for us to have six espresso shots. And as you can imagine, the next morning our bodies protested violently.
It certainly put me off ever having that many again, especially now I’m in my ‘one or two drinks a night’ era. No time for hangovers with two toddlers. Still, an espresso martini has become one of my favourite cocktails. A good one is balanced - not too bitter, not too sweet. Just right. It can play the role of coffee at brunch, or act as a caffeine pick me up after a meal.
A lot of espresso martinis we have tried at cocktail bars are made from a coffee syrup which makes the drink too sweet when combined with an already sweet coffee liqueur like Kahlua.
Mark experimented with the classic recipe until he got the balance just right for our tastes. He says the game changer is using fresh espresso. We have the Breville Oracle which was a recommendation from a friend, Jason. I think he’s probably sick of us thanking him for the recommendation because every few months he gets another effusive message from Mark saying how much we love this machine.
Here’s our recipe for the Espresso Martini (serves 1)
1 ½ ounces vodka
¼ ounce coffee liqueur
¾ ounce semi-rich simple syrup (1 part water to 1 ½ parts sugar)
1 ½ ounces freshly extracted espresso
Pour all the ingredients into a shaker. Add ice and shake hard for 18 seconds. Strain into a martini glass and let the froth settle, then sprinkle three coffee beans on top for a classic look.
You can change up the spirit depending on what you like, bourbon or rum adds a nice depth of flavour. We have also made it with honey when we’re out of simple syrup which is delicious.
Happy Friday, or thirsty Thursday, depending on where you are reading this!